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this is my film poster for not my time. similar to my film review i have kept to the colours of black, blue and white as they all symbolises the death aspect and life after death, i have used lighter colours such as white and lighter shades of the coloru blue as this is about the spirit of a young nice girl who has raised from the dead. i used picnik to edit my original picture which is a picture of sphia moss the girl who plays lily, i used special effects such as circle splash which give the rays of light on the poster and boost which gives the whole picture the grey/bluey colour it has. i used these effects as they have the connotations of death, and being trapped between life and spirit, and it makes sophia look more ghost and like a little girl lost. i chose the slogan " a true friendship last a lifetime" because it really relates to the plot about two bestfriends and even though one is dead they are still bestfriends it also adds in with the idea that there is life after death. i also chose to use the polaroid effect as in our film the whole thing starts with the picture of the two girls when they were younger fools out and the film consists of backflashes so pictures are the memories whick bonds the two girls even after death. i tried to use writing which was edgy and a bit like child handwriting, i wanted to use edgy writing as the film is about life after death but didnt use to much because it is not a horror and i wanted to use childlike writing to emphasis the whole idea of childhood and bestfriends. i placed the font at the very top and bottom and at the left hand side as i wanted it to be noticable but id dint want to take away the focus of the main oicture especially of sophias face. i put the slogan at the top for thisa reason but also because a slogan is a very important part of a film poster it has to be seen a it has to catch ones eye. by placing it where i did it is very noticable and doenst take anything away from the image. like most film poster i put the actors names producers and directors and any othe riformation at the bottom is a block of writing alltogether. this is because even though this information is important it is nothing something that will appeal to the audience or catcht their eye, obviously the stars in the movie are very imprtant and can genuiuenly make the audience want to see the film depending on who is in so i put the actresses also on the left hand side as well as ina smaller print at the bottom.