Wednesday, 6 October 2010


e in the short film noise the mood is quite a sad depressive, it’s about a sad boy who feels all alone in the world, and he emphasises that it’s the surrounding noise that keeps us sane, and that when that is taken away the world suddenly becomes a very lonely place.
The film starts with the young boy at work, where he then walks home and gets hit by a car, where he then discovers he will never be able to hear anything again, we then experience the world through his ears and although we can see everything that happening we can’t the sounds that they cause.
The music we hear is very gentle music with a soft tone to it, although we hear a lot of non diagetic and diagetic sounds for example the noise from the car crash and the dripping water, and the noises that are put together through a mixture of everyday life situations like the busy streets although we cannot see these things. The sound in this short film really creates the effect of drama and keeping the audience gripped because it very relates to the film, the sound or in this case the lack of it also gives the audience insight to the character and lets them hear what they hear, it also makes the audience aware that the character id deaf without having to directly them that that, and lastly it gives you the audience /character relationship because we are experiencing with the character.
Like most short films noise only has one main character, and that is all it needs, the fact that the characters feeling really come across to the audience really gives it the depth it needs to keep the audience gripped, also the characters voiceover throughout the film, is effective as he is forever asking questions which automatically will plant that seed in the audiences head and have them thinking of the answers and how would they cope if they could no longer hear. This film really creates an emotional bond between the character and the audience and i believe this is why it works so well.
The genre is defiantly a sad drama, which is set in the present time it has the connotations of one with the sadness and grieving and the hurt and upset cause by the grieving like most dramas and especially the sad one they have a way of cleverly making you as an audience emotionally involved so you will watch it all the way to the end.
When it comes to the colours we do see a lot of mixture, as we have the grass and the sunshine and the children playing in the park, however when the character is alone the lighting seems to appear darker and the majority of colours we then see are black and white, which are quite depressive dark colours which clearly reflect his feelings of loneliness and his bitterness to having his sound taken away. The bright vibrant colours we see are in place to make us realize and the character that the world is still a beautiful place even if you can’t see and that you should not take it for granted and that when his hearing returns.
The target audience for this film is in my opinion aimed at teenagers and young adults, at 16-28 I believe this because it’s quite an inquisitive short film, which really gets your attention however older people but find it more simplistic, furthermore unless you are in to films which really question ourselves as a person this film will not entertain you. For that reason it does have a niche audience as i believe that it really is only aimed at one criterion of people.
Furthermore, the editing in this film is quite good, the producer uses a lot of montages with different clips of normal day to day things that make noise all appearing on the screen one after another also in a fast pace. We see a lot of jump cut which is good when we are going through the montages and the pace of the film is speeding up.
We see a lot of long shots in this short film, especially as we are seeing the world as the character see them we get to see all his surroundings, like the children playing in the park and the buildings around him. We have some low angle shot and high angle shots when we are looking at some objects that make noise to defiant he difference between when noise comes from above us or below us we still all hear it the same.
This film fits in with the uses and gratification audience theory because depending on yourself is going to determine how you consume the film, if you are a deaf person you are going to view this film very differently from someone who isn’t because you have experienced it firsthand so you know how it really can affect someone.
This short film fits in to Todrovs narrative theory of equilibrium we get the state of equilibrium where everything is how it should be when the boy is at work doing his job and hearing everything as usual. It is then disrupted when the boy is hit by the car. We know that this has caused damage because we hear the doctor say it and the boy can no longer hear. He tries to repair it the damage by turning on his music full blast but still failing to hear anything. We then have restoration equilibrium when the boys hearing return at the end of the film when he realises life is beautiful in different ways.

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