at the start of the project, we were determining to make a short film, a double page spread magazine review and a film poster for a short film which was named not my time, and target it ti the age group of 12 + for both genres our selected target audience was 12-34 years old as 18 - 34 have the biggest target audience for films and of gneres including the drama genre. however due to the content of the film, and as it fitted the 12 certification boundaries we lowered the age of the target audience. we decided pretty much straight away the plot of the film we were going to making and within this decided that the genre was to be drama genre, i then done some reserach into the characteristicsa of a drama genre to make sure our film followed suit. it is known that the audience like drama genres paritcullary because they focus in depth on charcaters situation which involved real life and emotionally topics, the topic in our short film is death we defiently gives the audience some pleasure, as you are selling them what appeals to them within this genre. i think we defiently reached our target gnere of drama as we involved all the characteristics of a drama genre, inlcuding the plot line, the props used the way the story is conveyed and even challeneged the genre by using a different set of locations and some which arent known as locations used in a typical drama genre for example a house. the film poster and magazine review defiently worked well together ive pointed out earlier the difference in colour use and the reason why the brightness of colours were changed, this being the fact that a magazine review is to be appealing and fit in witht he structure and scheme of a view, however keeping all the colours the same such a grey , blue and white connotataed the genre and the plot perfectly and gave off the spritual feelig, they also worked well together as they were easily related throught he tagline, title , pictures and screenshots of the film, and i beleive they sold the film perfectly. as a film producer the message which we aiming to portray was that real life situations can be merged with spirtual situations and that the two can clash, we wanted to get an in depth oversight of the charcaters and show that drama genres are just as gripping and good as some of the other more popular genres. we wanted to create a film that left the audience suprised and attached throughout, a film that questioned the audience and made them think of situations but a film that would also help them in their own life. when asking for the audience feedback i think we achieved the aims and target objectives thta were set out for ourselfs. no one had any doubt about the certification of age and belived that we kept within the boundaries of 12 certification. as previously stated we used the characetrisitcs of a drama genre and some people were suprised that the typical locations of the genre were challenged, however some people did say that they are more used to seeing the emotions through the charcter visually then actually feeling them for themselves and the character. the critiism that did come through any product wa through the magaxine review, mainly due to the colour, they didnt feel it represented the film poster as well as it good of done if it had followed the particular scheme that i had originally laid out, however the overall majoirty response still would of seen the film after reading the reviewe, however it would of been sold to them more if the certification was on the review along with the realseae date, this was also the only piece of ctrisicm that followed the film poster. they beelived because of the themes of the poster and refiew and the slight difference they did work well together and did portray the same message however if they had been more similary matched they could of been better. the audience understood the plot line, howeve thought that at sometimes it could of been a little confusing due to the flashbacksshowever they didnt feel it let the film down and were happy that the sotry came together and the audicne were left with their questions answeared when the film finished. a majority of the audience review would pay to see the film either in cinema or on dvd the few that did say they wouldnt said this plainly downt o the genre of the film because it wasnt their kind of film, mainly young boys said this, which gives us something to consider highly in the future about how to make the film more appelaing to the younger genreation of the male sex. from what i have gatehred i beleived the film perhaps should of contaiend a bit mroe action and male acharcters as it did solely revolve around the female sex. howeveer the main messages we were trying to convey and the overall success of the adueince response, as a film producer makes me beleive that we achieved our aims that is et out earlier and stated and think that the film was a success although impriovements which i have mentioned could of been made,
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