drama film conventions:
the genre of our short film was a drama, genre, we decided to make a low budget film, with the codes and conventions of a drama genre in mind.
typically drama genres have these coneventions and codes:
- serious plot surrounding an emotional/serious topic
- they all deal with emotional indepth theme such as drug addiction or death
-focuses on the characters developments trials and tribulations.
- it is one of the moast broadest genres as it also concludes a number of sub genres for example - romantic drama- period drama and court room drama to name a few.
our film contained a lot of the conventions found in other real media texts, our story followed the life of a girl whos best friend died and she had a make or break question to answear, our main theme was death. we used props such as having the ghost and flashbacks, and similary like seen in most we contained close up shots in order to get a real grip of the characters emotions, and included relevant emotional soundtracks to match. furthermore, our film only consisted of a tiny bit of a dialogue towards the end, this is a characteristic that we find in the drama genre.
with drama films you usually find that the location is mainly set in one place, with not much entertainment surrounding it however we challenged this convention when we deicded to use a number of lcoations including a house, public street, a college and a park, and this is a convention i beleived we challenged well as it worked and was successful.
when talking about the plot, we followed the characteristics very much in line with real media drama films, we kept the plot as an indepth follow of the characters situations and feelings, we also towards the end created the typical cliff hanger found in drama films when the audience are left wondering whats going to happen and if the characters going to make a right decision. we also ended the film, with the answear however left it open for a follow up if one was to be made.
given that we was making a short film, we had to make sure the plot opened up to the audience without moving too quickly or giving anything away and that they had closure at the end of the film. i beleive we doen this successfully and was able to tell the audience the story of mercys bestfriend lily killing herself, and lily coming back has a ghost to get her bestfriend back as she was stuck in between the real world and the spirit world.
film poster conventions:
- main central image- selling point
- certification
- tagline
- production company
- title
- main actors / actresses
- release date (sometimes)
in my film poster, i included the tag line for the short film : " a true friendship never dies"
the names of the actors actresses :
"sophia moss, sabrena charles and tyrena charles"
- the title of the fillm "not my time"
- the central image - the picture of lily as a ghost sittimg on the park bench.
- the production company and director are all listed with the credits at the bottom of the poster.
looking at my film poster and conventions of real media film poster i can see that the two typical characteristics which were missing was the release date and the certification, the reason no realase date was added was because not all film poster do contain one, although a lot of them do, not all unless they are very quickly going striaght to cinema or dvd realse. you will also notice that no certifcation was placed on my poster soley the reason being was that at the time of poster being published the certifciation was still to be announced.
everything on my poster connotates the drama genre, the colours used which are bluey black grey and white all have a spritual feel to them and have a resemblence to death without making the film seem as if it was a horror. the spirial effect also creates a spriutal atmosphere as it is an effect we resembbles sprit life. you will also notice the polaroid theme that was used this one done with signifance to the short film itself, as int he beginning of the film mercy finds a picture that was taken of her and lily during their childhood which is a key point which sets the ball rolling.
on my poster the main charcateristics are also the main selling points of real media products, having the actors name, the central image the tagline and setting an idea of the genre and possibly some theme will determine wether or not someone will go and watcht he film. the genre of a film and the actors in it are big selling factors when deciding whether to view a film or not, which is why they are included on the film poster as it is a selling point for the actual film itself.
magazine review conventions:
- summary of the plot
- a few screen shots of the actual film
- rating of the film
- realease date
- names of actors and actresses
- names of directors and production company
- opinion
my magazine film review included all the conventions typically founded in the a magazine review, i had the opinion and quotes from other people, included the names of cast and directors, and key images from the film itself, the name of the film and the tagline that goes alongside it, the summary of the plot was inlcuded in the review.and so was the rating of the film which in my revieew was giving a 5 star. again similary to the poster we didnt include the realse date and cerifcation for the film for the same reason i previously stated for the film poster. when doign my review i analysed the magazine review for the blockbuster movie avatar very closeure, allthought they are not the same genre i used this film poster has it inckuded all the codes and conventions needed, the layout was very impressive and i can compare it similary to mine, as it was a good example of how a magazine review for a film should look.
overall i beelive i used and followed the real codes and conventions from real media texts relatively well through out my project, i used them when nessacar, although i didnt add all in when i felt they werent needed, and am haappy that thrioughout this project i was able to challennge some oft he codes set out by other real media texts and have that challeneg become a suucessfukl one, espexcially within the film. and being able to compare my magazine review to theone of avatar also helped me when creating it
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