the film i will be deconstructing is a short film titled "My name is lisa " the film is about a young girl named lisa who uses her computer to address the world of her academic knowledge and question certain things about society. however the main point to the film is lisa feelings and her reaction to her mums detiriating mental illness which gets worse as the film progresses.
the only location in this film is the room which lisa sits in to go on her computer, and the front garden. this is important as it seems this as been done to make the audience relize that no matter how could things seem on the outside and however normal people act you dont know whats going on behind closed doors. it also emphasises on the films theme of sadness, which comes across in different ways during the film.
furthermore the colours used also emaphsis on sadness, although there is no particular use of any one colour, and we do indeed see a mixture, its the shade of the colour that symbolises the feelings of the main character. when lisa is in her home the shades of all the colours seems to be more shaded or faded they arent as vibrant as the colours we see when shes outside, for example when lisa walks home up through the driveway everyday, the sun is always shining the skies are clear blue, and all the tone on the colours are bright and cheerful, but when she enters the house they seem to fade, to shades of colour which represent sadness. which shows on the audience that when shes outside shes like every other ordinary girl, which gets repeated repeatedly during the length of the short film. everyday lisa walks up the drive way and everyday her mums deteriation is getting worse.
the clothes, the house, the car are representations of a normal family life and living basis from the outside they are a normal family, which adds to the effect of this short film, as you arent expecting the mums illness to actually take place, and this also adds to the dramatic sadness as you really feel for lisa as you see her keep trying to put on this pretence, and acting in a mature manor way behind her age. it also appears that talking over the computer is the only way she can act like a child again.
the sound used in this film, is one that relates again to the sadness of the character, the sound is sad gentle music, which is a little bit depressive. this music appears everytime lisa mums appears on our screen and interupts lisa, we also hear when lisa enters the drive leading up to he house, this is a good representation of the sadness cause it gives the dramtic feeling of what the main mood to this film is. and as the film goes on the music goes more suspensful but still sad when her mum suffers more and more with her mental illness which is building up to breaking point, when her mum forgets who lisa is completly. the music also replaces the lisas talking alot when lisa is talking via the computer she stops talking almost automatically and the music instantly takes over making us aware her mum is there.
the camera movements in thsi film are maily, trackign when lisa walks throught he drive, close up and mid shot, althought his is similar in most short films. but in this one the use of close up is especially effective as this film is about the feelings of lisa and ny using close up we can really see the expressions of her emotions in lisa face, and by using the mid shots we also get to see the mothers feelings of sadness and confusion by her body lanuage, as also when lisa walks up the drive her body language which is typically eyes on the floor which her body hunched, which is like she doesnt want to keep continue seeing her mum in this state. by using the tracking we can to follow lisa from face front up in her drive, this is effective because not only are we watching lisa preparing for what will happen next but the build up of watching lisa head home builds the audience up for what will happen next.
a very clever effect in this film is the fact that a lot of it is based with lisa talking via the webcam which is as if she is talking to us the audience directly, which makes the audience feel as if they have some sort of bond with lisa, and they can relate to her, by talking to use directly we sympathis more with lisa and understand her sadness.
the main editing in this short film is jump cut i think this as been used as each day we see lisa experience one situation than another and so forth, by using jump cut it is also an effective way to show us just how quickly lisa mum is detriating, we can see the rapidness of it all and by using jump cut the film emphasis it even more.
in my opinion the target audience for this film is 16-34 year olds, and mainly aimed at women, the reason for this is because it is a film about a mother and relationship which is a topic alot of women will read, watch it also is an emotional film which really connects more with the female audience. i beleive it is the age group i have stated is because it deals with some very complicated issues which you would have to understand to really understand the depth of the film. the film also has a mass audience as it has a wide age group and clearly more than half of the population her female.
the reception theory can be used here when talking about the film and its desired target audience. because the producers kknow their target audience and they know young females get really into mother /daughter realtionships and the issues they can face, i beleive they also know the auidence will be more emotionally attached to the film then men would be. by relising these expectations of the target audience they create a preffered meaning. because there is an agreement between the audience and the producer, they put in the film everything tha they want knowing it will be exactly the way the target audience desire.
this film is also a clear example of robert mckees theory of narratives having a simple 5 part structure. the inciting incident when lisa mum first forgets the luch, the progressive complivcation is when she frogets the luch again, crisis is when lisa mum is left sitting bedazzled in the car, the climax is when she relises she doesnt even know how to do the laundry extra and lisa screams at her, the resolotuion, lisa mum completly forgets who lisa is, although in a way this didnt the solve the problem at hand, the mental illness itself could never be solved , but it brought an end to the film and almost as if the illness had reached its end.