Monday, 27 September 2010

barthes codes.

roland barthes aims to explore the link between signs and their meanings, he aimed to establish the whole system in which all narrative styles are created. he says there are 5 codes which define an network which leaves a space of meaning in which the text will run through. he belives that every unit of a text is a virtual disgression towars another unit in the text. each of roland barthes codes appear through voices:

1. hermenuetic code - denotes an egnima that moves the narrative forward. it also dets up obstacles that will delay or maintain the suspense.
this is the process which is again broken down in order in to the following sequence in order to relvealing the truth :
1. thematisation - what in the narrative is the egnima?
2. positioning- additional confirmation of the egnima?
3. formulation of the egnima?
4. promise of an answear of the egnima
5. fraud- circumvension of the true answear
6. equivoclation- mixture of fraud and truth
7. blocking - the egnima cannot be solved.
8. suspended answear- stoppong the answear after it has begun
9. partial answear - some facets of the truth are revealed
10. diclosure of the truth.

when acode involves a move from a question to answear it is a code which is irreversible according to roland barthes. he says that the hermeuetic code encompasses the whole narrative.

2. proairetic code- empirical voice
this code emcompasses the action of the narrative. its basis is the dependency of the lexias upon the sequence and the content to impart the meaning. it also suggest that the actions of the novel are created by the reader.

3. semic code - the voice of person
this code focuses on the connoatation of the character barthes said that the character has not only characterisitcs but also also connotations because the person has anm existence. semic codes allow text to show rather than tell by describing material things in order to suggest immartial objects. the semic codes suggest that pieces of data that the text show are used to sugegst abstract concepts.

4. symbolic codes- voice of symbo,ls
human body acts an narrative to get the text to trangess. it does this by focusing on 3 trangesstions which are:
1. rhetorical
3. economical

the five codes as barthes said is a way in whioch you can interpret text , in which you can look at the relationship betwen the code and the text and compare it of the relationsahip between a perfromance and of stage commnetry to clarify the relationship. each code is associated with a voice!!

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