todorov- todorov was a bulgarian philospher and from 1963 he was writing and essays about liteary theory, thoguht theory snd culture theory.
he believed there was a basic structure for all narrative which was the cycle of equilibrums:
- a state of equilibrum (situation one)
- disruption of equilibrium by some action
- recognition that there has been a disruption
- an attempt to repair the disruption
- a reinsatement of the equilibruim
he suggested that stroies begin with an equilibrium or staus quo where any potentionally opposing forces are in balance. this is disrupted by some event, setting in chain a series of events problems are solved so that the order can be restored to the world of fiction.
propp- had a major in russian philosphy he took sentence strucutres and broke them down into analyzable elements.
he belives that tales take the following 31 sequences.
- absentation
-violation of interdiction
-villancy or lack
- mediation
-beginning counter action
-first fiction of the donor
-heros reaction
-receipt of magical agent
- rescue
-unrecognized arrival
-unfounded claims
-difficult task
he also said that every tale consisted of stock characters, he said they were narraitve functions when he identified the theory about characters and actions. he said they provided a structure for text
- the hero- seeks something
- the villian - who opposes or actively blocks the heros quest
-the donor- who provides an object with magical properties
- the dipatcher - who send the hero on their quest
- the false hero - who disrupts the heros success by making false claims
-the helper- who aids the hero
- the princess - acts as a reward for the hero and the object of the villians plots
- her father- who acts to reward the hero for his effort
propp recieved some critiscm over his narrative theory he was accused of removing verbal consideration of character, mood and tome from the fairy tales and anything that made one fairytale different from another.
however, his supporters and followers agreed with him as they beleived you need to dsicover the elemnt buliding blocks for fairtytales that from the basis of narrative structure.
volger- he is a story analyst for disney, warner brother, 20th century fox and many more hollywood production comapnies. he looked at the construction of the narrative from the characters point of view
1 ordinary world
2 call to adventure
3 refusual of class
4 mentor
5 first threshold
6 test, allies, enemies
7 approach to the inmost cave
8 ordeal
9 rewards
10 the road back
11 resurrection
12 return with the elixir
he claims that stories and films are populated by 8 archetpes, which have the same basic fucntions in every story. he says that they display the same patterns of human behaviour and that they are symbolized by the usual characters
- hero
- mentor
- heraid
- shape shifter
- allies
- shadow
- trickster
- treshold guardians
mckee- is a creative writing instructor and he spends his time examing the narrative strucutre of a story and deciding what makes the story compeeling or not. he also has a simple 5 part strucutre for narratives:
1 inciting accident
2 preogressive complication
3 crisis
4 climax
5 resolution
levi strauss - a french anthropoligits and ethnologists, he claims that our understanding of words and their meanigns are based on our understanding of the difference between the word and its opposite (binary opposites) opposed to the actual meaning that the word contains. he says that words just acts as symbols and that the words actually have a relationship with their opposite and their opposing ideas. it is to be said that one side of binary opposites, is seen as more valued in some cultures and societies and that and individuals interpretation of a word is not so much to do with the actual meaning of the word itself but to do with our society and cultrual attributes.
. man vs woman
. white vs black
. young vs old
. hero vs villian
. west vs east
. good vs bad
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