1. mercy is at home in her bedroom flicking through an old photo album when an old photo of her an her childhood best friend falls out.
2. flashback - 2Yrs previous- mercys mum breaks the news to mercy that lily has sadly passed away. (All flashbacks will be in black and white)
3. next day - Mercy is walking home from university when she beleives she spots lily in the street out of the corner of her eye she goes to tap the girl on the shoulder, but its a case of mistaken identity.
4. arriving home in a state of shock mercy recieves a letter through her door after all other mail has been picked up and opened the letter and begins to open it while she heads upstairs to her bedroom. she opens the letter which reads bff and then looks out of her window to see lily walking past.
5. she runs out the house without thimking in a desperate bid to speak to her childhood best friend.
6. she ends up following lily to the local cememtry were lily was buried they hold eye contact.
7. flashblack - to the day when they first met they introduce themeselves hold hands skipping promising to be best friends forever.
8. they have an emotional confrontation in the cementry were lily begs mercy to come join her on the other side, as mercy goes to take her hand a series of back flashes appear from their childhood "Ones of them laughing, hugging, running towards the park, playin on the swings, then on da roundabout where lily felt off" whilst lilys voice over is saying " we remember we promised to be friends forever.
9. mercy pulls her hands from lilys says i forgive you and starts to walk away.
10. she looks back and lilys still standing there they both wave goodbye and mercy mouths rest in peace.
11. split screen - mercy and lily both walk away and lily screen dissolves to white.
12. mercy continues to walk away in distance as the theme music plays out to end the film.
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