Wednesday, 24 November 2010

film poster - the unborn

this is the film poster for the horror film the unborn. firstly i am going to be looking at the font, size and colour of the wording. the writing is in clear bold white writing, i am beleiving this to be done because white is suppose to symbolise purity and life and of course by the title name we can see that this film is about a child being born of course with a twist in it. the writing is quite normal and straight to the point and i think this is doen because in the film poster the main capturing point is the image of thw women and they didnt want to take too much focus of her.

the film poster includes the main actor Odette Yutman and just her alone her expressions in the face conveys that she is worried and scared and clearly in a state of torment. the idea that the shot of her is from a side angle implies that they wanted to give hints about the film is doesnt give to much a gives the denotation that soemthing is hiding.

the design is of a woman who looks in pain with water bein poured of her possibly from a shower the background is brick work soo natrually quite dark along with the lighting however the actor looks like an everyday person and they made her look and clothes seem oridnary which will just add to the element of suprise fear and shock when the audience watches the film and the plot reveals itself and again the producers wnat people to see this poster and being instantly determined to see it without giving too much away.

there are no other images included on the film poster perhaps because the the central image takes up the space and conveys enough itself. although we do have the texts on the right hand side of the poster which were we have the slogan " it wants to be born now" the credits for example the film comapny which is releasing the film, the people to thank for the movie in the credits for example producer etc and that and also the companys icon and the website for the film. this was structured very well as it was orangised neatly on the left hanside, which left most focus on the image and was spaced far enough away from the slogan and title for them to stand out and make and impact.

the catchy slogan on this movie is "it wants to be born now" im not sure if this slogan can be described as catchy but it defiently gives an emphasis on what will happen within the film. it tells us that this women is going to more than liekly give birth to a "demon" child.

when looking at this poster there are a number of things which could be added or changed. firstly i have noticed that the actress name is not on the poster and mostly they are on the left handed side and moving over to the left. by this it conculdes that it is not a well known actress playing in the film which is a let down in attracting people to the film, it also gived across the image that perhaps the film may not be too good which is why know famous actress is in it.
secondly i would make the slogan more catchy althought the poster i analysed is the us version so i will anaylse the uk poster next so i can make the comparsion between the two. i think the poster within itself is persuasive but with the change of the points i have added it would be even more persuasive.

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