Monday, 29 November 2010

the unborn uk film posters

after anaylisisng the unborn film poster that was published in the usa i decided to also anaylsis the film posters uk version. firstly there is a big difference in the colour used in this version the colours are blue and grey and white, they are all pasty colours and create a ghosty effect to the poster. again the white has been used when it comes to the text again as in the usa version white symbolises purity which in this case represents the birth. the tile of the film is also a lot bigger size and stands out more as it is in the middle of the page although placed down lower than the usa version. the writing also has a more glowing effect and the white is more bolder, i think when it comes to the text and the style of it the uk version is defiently more attractive and appealing.
in this film poster both characters are shown the main woman and the boy, and are shown in the best way through the mirror, this is good because it is a classic scenerio in a horror film were someone looks int he mirror ans sees soemthing that is nesscarily not there or jumps upon them. by doing tbis not only are the two main characters featured in a good length of space but it also makes the audience aware that the film is going to be a horror/thriller. when looking at the characters apperances the sense of a horror film is again conveyed as the girl looks shocked and dumbfounded and the little boy loooks ratehr scary with his ghosty white face and the brusises around him. the way the movie poster is layed out the lighting used and the colours really express the mood and tone of the film, we can tell its a horror film and the sense that the problems are going to be lying with the woman and the boy.
unlike the usa version the slogan on the uk one is a lot more catchy "evil will do anything to live " tells us that the child is evil also representing the genre to the movie and it also tells us that it will go to any resort to make sure it lives, which will keep the audience wondering what it will do to stay alive so this will appeal to the audiecne and make them want to see the film; exactly what a film poster should do.
similary to the usa version the names of the actors/actresses are not included in the top hand corners which we usually see on film posters all the writing appears underneath the title such as the names of producers and comapnys althought this writing is very small.
overall the uk version in my opinion is better than the usa one as it features both characters, has more of a ghosty effect, it more catching due tot he colouring and the sloagan and tells the audience much more of the kind of film it is representing but without giving too much away.the only critcsm i have which is similar to the usa version is that the characters names should appear and agian if it was someone well known it would have a bigger impact on the audience.

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